Tuesday 3 May 2011

Where are the male virgins?

All weekend, I kept bumping into sex-related topics, issues, programs et al. It didn’t really bother me as such since sex happens to be the best selling tool of our generation. However, the most fascinating topic regarding sex I read was on this site http://yadamag.com/sacred-sex/.  I was intrigued to say the least, as the writer of the article particularly stated that he or she has never met nor heard of a male virgin ever.

Well, neither have I, nor you maybe. The point is the pressure of keeping one’s virginity has always been put on the females, and no one has ever really criticized a guy for losing his virginity at an early age. The reality of the issue is that: who is virgin these days that is for both males and females? I can hardly say there are any, not in this generation that we live in, at least not till the age 16 anyways.  As a matter of fact, guys are actually encouraged to lose their virginity early enough before marriage….am I wrong?  I mean how else do you think a guy can openly boast of his sexual prowess, and capacities?

However, to be fair to the guys, nobody really expects to a guy to be a virgin, I mean seriously? Don’t judge me or anything, but I’m just speaking on the real side of things.  I tried asking a few of my female friends if they could marry a male virgin, they didn’t have to give me an outright answer, but their expressions and smirks, clearly told me NO!  One of them in particular said to me, that for a guy to be a virgin, he had to have lacked several opportunities. You see?! And it’s not because they are bad or anything, it’s just because finding a male virgin is like finding the eight world wonder, as well as being almost unnatural.

I do not doubt the possibility that there might be male virgins. However, I think they are in small numbers, and I’m talking about full blown adult virgin; I also  honestly dare any guy to confess to being a virgin…not like its bad thing by the way, but how many married men would you say you have seen to have gotten married as virgins? Really, I can imagine a very few number.

If you don’t believe me, ask any guy around you, if he’s a virgin and see he’s reaction.  If however you find a male virgin, please let me know or if you are a male virgin and you are proud of it, let me know as well.


  1. I knw of a colleague who is a virgin and of another who married a virgin and was proud to tell the tale. The truth is that male virgins are a rare find but d fact that they do exist in a good handful does not come as a surprise to me.

  2. its the women that put pressure on guys cos no woman wants a guy that another woman doesn't want.

